CommVault® has been the leading innovator in backup and archiving for the past 17 years. CommVault® Simpana software converges backup and and archive into a single unified data protection system.
CommVault’s unified backup/archive agent, intelligently applies archiving policies, and data movement, backing your data up to the right performance/cost storage media, along with allowing you to pick the media type most suitable for your retention and off-site media needs .
Simpana has the industries leading in-line DeDuplication capabilities for a backup software system and is deployed on commodity Intel hardware.
As you grow and scale, YOU control the type of storage your data will reside on, and you control the media used for CommVaults DeDuplication ‘hashing’ database.
Need more DeDupe speed- move the DeDuplication databases (measured in hundreds of GB’s) to your choice of Solid State Drives.
Commault continues to innovate and remians the industry leader – not only in terms of mid-enterprise class backup, but also backup for small business.
2014 sees Gartner award CommVault the Leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant, a position also held in 2011, 2012, 2013 and now 2014.