Unitrends UK Reseller


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CD-DataHouse Limited is the leading Unitrends Reseller in the United Kingdom (UK).

Ask about our extensive experience in implementing:

  • Unitrends Hardware Appliances and
  • Unitrends UEB – Unitrends Software based backup solution – deployed as a Hyper-V or VMware Virtual Server on your own hardware

Unitrends Implementation and Design Services

While Unitrends is simple to install as a backup solution, devising your backup, remote backup and remote replication processes can be made simpler with our expertise.



Unitrends Lab and Demonstration facilities

We maintain a Unitrends Lab environment used specifically for customer demo’s, as well as testing out Unitrends latest patches.

A demonstration of Unitrends capabilities can be performed in 10-15 minutes, though 30-40 minute demonstration will allow us to run through the following topics

  • Unitrends Set-Up
  • Unitrends Agent Deployment
  • Initialising Backup
  • Instant File Restore
  • Backup Scheduling
  • Reporting and Monitoring
  • and Unitrends Windows Instant Recovery

Unitrends Physical or Virtual Backup

Understanding backup and DR is only half the challenge to delivering Unitrends solutions to our customers.

We spend the time to understand your Application details and the RPOs and RTO’s your business demands.

To deliver the best backup solution, we need to fit your Application requirements into your Physical AND Virtual environments, and here, our VMware, Linux and Windows capabilities help us design the perfect Unitrends solution for you.



Unitrends Support in the UK and Europe

CD-DataHouse provides extensive levels of support to our backup clients.

Ranging from:

  • a simple quarterly Unitrends Health check
  • ongoing daily – per incident support
  • Level 1 and  Level 2 support in advance of a call being passed to Unitrends
  • Unitrends Diagnostics