About Us
Founded in 2010
130 Client Projects covering Data Protection, Archive & SAN Storage, delivered to-date
1 Petabyte of Backup Managed for our Clients
MetroStor - Our Cloud Backup as a Service (across the WAN) now delivers DR along with Backup
Storage & Backup Systems deployed in 17 Cities across 4 Continents
CD-DataHouse was founded on 25 years of small and large systems IT Technology experience with deep expertise in Storage and Data Protection.
We approach each clients requirement from a multi-dimensional perspective - to ensure Capacity, Performance, Price, Reliability and Data Integrity/Security are optimally considered, before embarking on a Product or Services recommendation.
To do this, we first evaluate how your users 'interact' with their applications and consider, on an application by application basis, the total impact a complex and mixed transactional load places on your Storage and Data Protection requirements.
In essence, there is no 'one right' solution, but in today's current economic climate, there are tight budgets to work within - and here, CD-DataHouse's multi-vendor approach works to our clients advantage.

During our dealings with your company, we aim to deliver:
- A significantly high percentage of same day responses to queries and phone calls and at most a response in your 'inbox' for the next business day
- 'Upfront' pricing - so our customers can receive an initial 'assessment' of whether a project could be feasible
- Staff who truly understand, not only Storage, but the total eco-system in which 'Storage' applies - especially around your application infrastructure:
i.e. Storage exits to 'serve' your applications, so we spend a considerable time understanding your 'App' usage to ensure your storage purchases are not 'over engineered' and over priced
Our philosophy is to develop a long term storage relationship, and not just 'sell you a box'.
For an initial conversation, meeting or quotation, please contact us or phone on +44 1753 46 34 76