NexScan GUI ® is the embedded WEB enabled GUI (Graphical User Interface). NexScan provides access to your SATABeast system from any standard internet browser or from any host computer either directly connected or via a LAN or WAN. NexScan is platform independent. No software or patches required.
- Shows status of disk drives, power supplies, fans, RAID controller. Information is automatically refreshed at scheduled intervals.
- Single click access to summary of all problems and warnings.
- Event log for all significant events stored on disk.
- Array is verified before being put into production; automatic “parity scrub” (array verify) is performed as a background task every 24 hours thereafter.
- Additional access via the RS-232 serial port or network interface to an ANSI terminal or emulator.
- Complete hardware status page lists all significant hardware conditions such as voltages, temperature, battery mode, cache settings, network settings, and blower RPM
- Supports automatic IP address assignment via DHCP, manually using IP Gleaning, over serial port, or via web page.
- Cache management page allows configuration of cache as enabled or disabled, or remotely settable via standard SCSI commands
- SMART environmental monitoring support.
- DNS support for symbolic addresses.
- Build RAID sets (and set RAID level and stripe size), partition RAID sets into Volumes, map Volumes to LUNs and host ports, and manage spares
- For each drive, complete Model Name, Capacity, Serial Number, and Firmware Revision is reported along with errors and retries, if any.
- Alerts and warnings sent out using SMTP email alerts with problem summary, hyperlink to the enclosure management page, plus user-defined fields.
- Extra security feature requires manual confirmation of destructive media operations.
- Battery-backed Clock/Calendar is used to time stamp all major events
- Configure and monitor subsystem using any standard web browser.