powered by Veeam Cloud Connect
Your on premise Veeam Backups
"Bridged" using Veeam's Cloud Connect technology
into our ISO 27001 / Tier 3 UK Datacentres
The MetroStor Veeam Cloud Connect Experience
Sending your VM backups to 'any supplier or any datacentre' should be approached with caution.
CD-DataHouse is a backup specialist - We run, manage and support backup for some of the UK's best known businesses.
We support businesses with Hundreds of Terabytes down to 1 TB.
Working with CD-DataHouse Limited you gain Enterprise class skills, but at prices that are SMB friendly.
Visit Us
Unlike many Veeam Cloud Connect providers who are middle brokers, agents, or 'white brand' other peoples services, we own, run & operate the entire infrastructure stack and do so with our own staff and skill/expertise, gained from years of performing Mainframe Backups, Unix systems backups and complex distributed backups for global businesses.
We know what it takes to keep your data secured, preserved and Ready for Recovery.
Better yet - our offices are within our Datacentre.
Visit, and see where your data will reside, how it will be stored and understand the depth of our processes in looking after your critical data.

Questions to ask your Veeam Cloud Connect provider
There are dozens of Veeam Cloud Connect providers in the UK; and pricing varies widely (and wildly).
Read our: Questions to Ask a Veeam Cloud Connect provider, before you send your critical data to any third party.

MetroStor Veeam Cloud Connect offerings
Seed your Backup
- Too much Veeam data to initially send across your WAN.
- Seed your data via a USB hard drive or NAS for shipment to us.
- Your data will be encrypted and secure during transit
- We operate out of a Tier 3 Datacentre
- Rather than 'talk' about security, we invite you to visit our primary Datacentre location in Bracknell
- Our Secondary datacentre is (far outside of Berkshire) provides a replicated failover centre to our Primary Datacentre location
Warm Recovery
- When you're ready to move beyond Veeam backups, we're ready to provide a full Veeam DR solution.
- Our Warm Recovery option means your Veeam VM's reside on our mid performing storage infrastructure ready to run.
- Your systems are online immediately and critical data is accessible.
- Warm Recovery is the ideal balance between performance and cost.
Instant Recovery
- If you want the next step to immediate and ready to run at Full production levels of performance, our instant recovery is the choice
- You have uncontended access to Compute/Storage resources.
- Instant Recovery is for those businesses that cannot tolerate down time or tolerate performance impacting their applications even when running in a DR scenario
- Instant Recovery is our Top Tier offering.
Why is MetroStor DR with Veeam Cloud Connect Different:
The 5 R's of Cloud DR
It's about Recovery
- It's about defined RPOs and RTOs, that are practical, measured and tailored to your business.
It's about RPO's
- Its about multiple copies of your data, geo separated, with multiple retention points across time, allowing you to roll back and recover under almost any scenario.
It's about RTO's
- a 5 minute RTO for 100 servers might cost 5-10 times more than having an RTO of 2-4 hours.
It's about Reinforcement
You haven't tested your DR in months or years and when you push that button it doesn't work.
- VMTools is not up to date / The VMware to Azure convertor has a bug / The Network/VPN settings have changed and no one can access the Cloud DR site.
- Our customers have the option to fall back a tier for their Recovery - meaning; worst case; we can revert to 'Ship to Site'.
- Reinforcements - or Multiple options means we have DR for 'Your DR'.
Finally - Its about Re-assurance
- It's knowing your systems are ready to run.
- We'll conduct a recovery ready assessment of your servers daily.
- We have a 1:1 relationship with all our customers - we know your environment and are on hand to offer guidance in the use of our DR Services.